When I began coaching, I had no idea that Josh Coats would convince me to puke with him, sell our house, and become a gypsy! I was sleeping 12+ hours a day, had 100 Facebook friends, and had lost most of my personal connections when I lost my job two years earlier. We didn’t live near my family or talk to many of them very often except for my sister, mother, and grandma. I was a brand new mama with postpartum depression and the wife of a (unemployed) full-time student who spent his free time volunteering for teens with incarcerated parents and interning at the local police station while trying to earn a degree in criminal justice. We had a very scary financial outlook on our future. Our savings accounts were nearing empty.
At that time, my idea of a healthy meal was a Birds Eye Voila Frozen Stir-fry dinner. A workout meant I’d need to walk around a track for an hour a day. That was the best I could do coming in at 275 pounds! Josh Coats, or any business mentor, certainly wasn’t on my radar. Becoming a work-from-home CEO in the health and fitness industry was completely outlandish. I was sick, fat, and nearly dying. Most days I assumed my family would be better off without me.
I Just Wanted a Discount
In March 2016, I started coaching for the discount on Shakeology. At the time I was beginning to connect the dots between a low breastmilk supply and poor overall health. The usual BS that the pediatrician gave me wasn’t working, and I refused to believe that “some women just can’t do it.”
I was in research mode all day, every day and when I discovered Shakeology, and I assumed everyone would believe in the magic of superfoods if I told them it tasted good. I had no idea what I was doing or how I would do it. I’d heard of the 21 Day Fix before, so it made sense that everyone would jump at the opportunity to do a Beachbody fitness program with me! In fact, I sent a message to every female Facebook friend I had asking them to do this with me, but if I was even lucky enough to get a response, it was a huge, astounding “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” If you were one of those messages, thank you for your support! Where was Josh Coats back then? But I persisted!
Two years ago I NEVER could have imagined feeling comfortable spending $199 on a 3 hour small group training with one of my biggest mentors and 30 perfect strangers. In fact, I didn’t even realize that I would have a business mentor. I didn’t even know there were things like Coach Summit or Business Coaches like Josh. I didn’t even know if it was possible to make money as a Beachbody coach, but I sure wanted to believe it was!
From Discount to Income
A lot happened over the course of 2 years. I worked my butt off because *income disclaimer* Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. You can see the Statement of Independent Earnings for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes. Remember when I said that I had no idea what I was doing when I started? Yeah, it was hard work for me! I watched other coaches build their businesses faster and bigger than I could even imagine. Most days I felt like I was barely scrapping by. My income certainly wasn’t an income, but it did allow me to stay home and work on becoming a better and stronger woman, so there was that!
Over those two years I discovered a guy by the name of Josh Coats. He was a pretty bold business mentor that was beginning to make a name for himself by helping Beachbody coaches like myself make brave decisions, dream bigger, and grow thriving businesses. In May I got an email from him. He was coming to Indianapolis at the same time we would be there for our annual Coach Summit, and if I could scrape up $199 I could hang out with him and 30 other coaches for a few hours to overcome my limiting beliefs and get my business on the right path toward more success! I was freaking scared!
Why Was I Scared?
- That’s our grocery money for nearly 2 weeks! That’s a TON of money!
- This dude doesn’t even know my name. I stalk him on social media, subscribe to his newsletter, and can’t believe I’d ever be I the same room as him.
- I’m an introvert. I have social anxiety. Strangers scare me.
The Holy Shit Moment
But that day was payday, and it just so happened that my Beachbody coaching paycheck hit my account. It was just over $200! Did I mention that I love getting paid weekly?! I work part-time on my business. With the launch of our nutrition program, 2B Mindset, I was averaging $30/ hr. That doesn’t count the time spent on social media posts I’d be posting anyway or my workouts I’d be doing anyway….
So, I brought it up to the hubs. Part of me wanted HIM to be the one that said “No, we can’t afford it.” I wanted him to be the one to blame for me not going. But instead, he said, “GO!” WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! So with my one week less-than-part-time work-from-home-while-my-to
The Big Day Arrived
The hubs put his foot down; he gave me the usual confidence building pep-talk and told me I deserved to be at the event. I went, but it took a lot of convincing! During the 40 minute drive from our hotel, I listened to loud and crazy music while convincing myself not to chicken out once I arrived. Have you ever listened to loud music on stock speakers of a ridiculously cheep rental car? Laughable! I’m sure I attracted a few eye rolls!
But there I was, jumping completely out of my comfort zone and doing something scary…. I met with 30 rockstar coach STRANGERS and met with my biggest business mentor for the first time in person…unless you count the time I pulled a fangirl move and asked for a selfie in the New Orleans airport last July!
Meeting Josh Coats Again
So many people shy away from coaching because they limit themselves with small-minded beliefs. If you stopped believing the crap stories you tell yourself, and started living your best life, what would be possible? That’s a question Josh has me asking myself. This dude constantly talks about doing stuff so far outside your comfort zone that you feel like puking! His tagline is #letspuketogether! That right there takes A LOT of big dreaming, big ideas, and big action!
I knew this event was going to have me puking – the theme was overcoming limiting beliefs. I knew before I arrived at this Josh Coats event that we would be dreaming really big! Josh Coats doesn’t allow anyone to think small. He especially doesn’t allow us to camp out in our comfort zones! And the biggest truth? When you’re around Josh, any tiny idea repressed in your subconscience mind will find its way into your conscience mind, and you will not forget it until you’ve made it happen! I was nervous and excited at the same time!
Josh Coats doesn’t allow anyone to think small. He especially doesn’t allow us to camp out in our comfort zones!
Josh Coats’ Life-Changing Question
The event was scheduled to last for 3 hours, but it lasted nearly 5! In that time, Josh asked us three questions including the one that changed EVERYTHING! As I was writing down my answer, I began telling myself all the reasons why it was stupid. There was no way that this could ever happen. I had every reason to believe that I was indeed, crazy!
Alright, Josh Coats, let’s puke together! He asked us to write out EXACTLY what our life would look like if we had everything we wanted and could do all the things that mattered to us. What causes would we be a part of? What good would we be adding to the world? How would our family and loved ones be effected?
More than anything, the things I wrote down surprised me. I wrote about wanting to retire my husband, support my family completely with my income alone, buy an RV, and travel around the country full-time, while spending as much time as possible with the people who mattered the most. I also wrote about wanting to inspire people to believe in their dreams, challenge the status quo, live more vibrantly, commit to better nutrition and moving every day, loving deeper, and going on adventures. Lastly, I wrote about wanting to really live my big dreams instead of just talking about them.
The difference Two Years Can Make
It took two years of working on myself every single day and being my best client, two years of watching others succeed faster and better as Beachbody coaches, two years of giving it my best, and not giving up! In those two years I proved to myself that I was capable of doing hard shit and worthy of happiness.
It took two years of hard work to prepare for the moment at Josh’s event that I dreamed up the biggest dream I’ve ever dreamed. No doubt had I not had those two years of preparing myself, I never could have written that dream down. And I didn’t just write it down. I spoke it out loud to a group of strangers! I shared it with them even though it seemed like the biggest, scariest, most impossible dream.
In two years I went from a handicapped, extremely obese, introverted, anxiety-ridden, meek, postpartum mama without an ounce of belief in myself and who some days even thought my family would be better without me….. to a powerful dreamer willing to share my story, put in the work, and empower others to do the same!
One Month Later
It’s only month later, and that huge, scary, impossible dream is happening! Why? Because I worked on myself every single day for over two years even when it was hard. I showed up, put in the work, and I gave myself grace, but I also gave myself tough love. Those two years helped me GROW in mind, body, and spirit! They taught me something about myself —> I don’t give up! After I wrote down my dream, I decided that my dream mattered. Then, I took ACTION to make it happen.
At that event, Josh Coats didn’t just ask me what my big scary dream was. He also asked what limiting beliefs were holding me back before challenging me to destroy them with life-affirming actions. He made me puke over and over and over! But one month ago I was puking, and today I’m creating a website to document our journey. We’re putting in the work so that we can sell our home, travel the world, spend time with the people that matter, encourage others to dream big, guide others to take care of themselves, and soak up every drop of life we have as we live out this crazy adventure that we have embarked on!
You’ve gotta choose your own path, forge your own way, and make it happen! NO MATTER WHAT!!! Coaching gave me the platform to become a better human, mama, a wife, and best of all, A BETTER DREAMER! Josh Coats challenged me, the big dreamer, to actually dream and then follow through and change our entire life!