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The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg in a Small Kitchen

We’re in downsizing mode, so it’s a bit odd that we’re also still collecting kitchen gadgets! That’s how much we love you all! We’re willing to collect kitchen gadgets during downsizing season so that we can help you live an easier life. Okay, okay, we might be acquiring this one for selfish reasons! We’ve been struggling to make the perfect hard-boiled egg. Without fail, we always mess something up. We either overcook them, undercook them, or remove half the egg while taking the shell off. It’s frustrating!

Oh, you too? Yay! We’re not alone! I mean…I don’t wish frustration on anyone, but at least knowing that I’m not the only one that can’t make an egg makes me feel a little less silly. We can make the perfect hard-boiled egg together!

Enter The Egg Cooker!

I love it when the hubs surprises me! He just bought me this really cool new gadget, and right away I had to try it out. I love prepping a bunch of eggs for the week, so I assumed this would help! Obviously, I was right! If you need more suggestions for weekly meal prep, you should check out our workshop! I’ll be updating the course to include this amazing rockstar! And I love that it’s small too! That’ll be perfect for RV life. In case you didn’t know, most RVs lack on deep storage for kitchen gadgets. I don’t know…I guess they assume that when you’re in an RV you want to actually not be in the RV, but rather, outside enjoying your adventure!

If you’ve ever seen my hard-boiled eggs, you know I’m not a pro. I’m probably the best person to test out this gadget, because without it, I’m pretty helpless! But, even I can make a great hard-boiled egg with this egg cooker! Let me show you just how simple and fast it is to cook up a dozen eggs. By the way, we are HUGE fans of pasture raised chicken eggs. the difference is insane – both visually and nutritionally.

Pastured eggs are richer in vitamins A and E, as well as omega-3s. Hens that get to spend time in the sun also lay eggs that contain significantly more vitamin D.

The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg Is Easy

1. First you’ll need to prepare your eggs. This is the most important step. It only takes a few seconds, but you’ll need the pin on the bottom of the water cup. Use the pin to poke a hole in the top of each egg.

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

2. Next you’ll want to fill the supplied measuring cup up with water to the appropriate level. Our cooker makes several different types of eggs like omelets, soft boiled, etc, so there are several lines. Make sure you fill it to the correct line.

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

3. Next you’ll add all the eggs to their trays. You’ll want to make sure that all the holes are facing upwards in your eggs. The bottom tier holds 8 eggs, and the top-tier holds 4 eggs for a total of 12 perfect hard-boiled eggs when you’re finished! Don’t forget to turn the blue timer bottom to the on setting.

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

4. While your eggs start cooking, prepare an ice bath for them. To do this, fill up a large bowl with ice and cold water.

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

5. Once the super loud and annoying timer goes off, you can turn off the cooker and carefully remove the eggs with tongs. Place the eggs into the ice bath where the cold water will stop the cooking process.

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

6. Peel your eggs and enjoy them!

How do you use hard-boiled eggs? Leave us a comment telling us how you love to enjoy the perfect hard-boiled egg!

You Are Not Too Much for the Right People

Mama Laughing Too Loud

No joke, for YEARS I didn’t speak up. I didn’t laugh up, or stand up first either because I’d get the look that told me I was too much. I had to make sure I wasn’t going to be the only one doing something. The idea of other people talking about me if I didn’t fit the mold, just killed me.

Who the heck was that girl, and where did she come from? Apparently, she just showed up one day between art school and becoming a “drone” mechanic. I never worried about being too much before, but…

I felt like a fraud leaving art school for the money because I didn’t think I was smart enough for the job or….man enough. Even worse, I didn’t think I belonged in our social group made up of work peers and their fancy spouses.

Our interests weren’t the same, and I often felt I wasn’t high maintenance enough, or nerdy enough, or political enough, or boozy enough, or worldly enough. I was too crunchy mama, too hippie-dippie, too artsy-fartsy, too passionate, too outspoken, too much to be taken seriously.

You Cannot Be Too Much

Last month I hung out with some powerful peeps in Indianapolis. I felt they were “out of my league,” but one of them said the most powerful thing I’d ever heard. IT FINALLY STUCK!

You are worthy because you are human and enough because you are you. You cannot possibly ever be ‘too much’ because you are worthy of happiness. You were put on this earth for a purpose.

Game Changer

That changed everything for me! It gave me permission to stop believing I was too much and believe I was exactly enough for the right people.

Woman!!!!!!! I want the same thing for you!!! I want you to step into your power and believe you are worthy, and enough, and perfect the way you are, and you don’t need to change for anyone because you cannot be too much for the right people! 

Can I help you do that? Can I help you help others do that!??

We’re better together!! And when we realize that, well, that is when the REAL MAGIC begins!


Utah Family Hike: Big Springs Hollow

With no shortage of outdoor spaces, Utah is an amazing and active place to live, however, in our 7 years here, we’ve rarely made the time to get out and enjoy the beauty. Now, as parents of a curious and brave toddler and with plans to make the world our backyard with the Dream Bigger Project, it’s time. A simple Google search for “Utah family hike” turned up a few hikes that seemed appropriate for a toddler, and Big Springs Hollow made the top of our list.

Utah Family Hikes in Utah: Big Springs Hollow in Provo, Utah

Utah Family Hikes in Utah: Big Springs Hollow in Provo, UtahWe looked for short and easy hikes with excitement along the way, and water is always exciting! With reviews telling us there was plenty of water and little bridges to cross, we suspected a fun family hike. Wanderookie did a cute writeup, and made it sound perfect for Vanellope’s first time! It did not disappoint! Our little adventure seeker loved it!

The trail is advertised as a loop, but we opted to turn around once we reached a long meadow. This was our first hike and we weren’t sure where the “hollow” was. the thought of crossing a long meadow in the hot sun only to turn back around wasn’t appealing. Plus, from what we’ve heard, the trail gets a little steeper after the hollow, and it loops around. Our short out-and-back adventure was only about a mile, but Dakota carried Vanellope for a few minutes on the return, so we’re glad we decided to keep it short.

Utah Family Hikes in Utah: Big Springs Hollow in Provo, UtahAs suspected, the bridges were a hit. We stopped a few times to wade into the icy cold stream. Vanellope giggled and squealed with delight. The various trees, leaves, grasses and butterflies also provided entertainment. Overall, this was a fantastic family hike for our first time out, and we’ll be heading out again soon!

Utah Family Hikes in Utah: Big Springs Hollow in Provo, UtahUtah Family Hikes in Utah: Big Springs Hollow in Provo, Utah

Family Hike Trail Details

Length:1.2 miles round trip to the hollow or around 4 if you do the loop
Difficulty: Easy
Dog Friendly: Yes (Leashed)
Season: May to October
Trailhead: Big Springs Hollow Upper Parking Lot
GPS Coordinates:
Trailhead: 40.3327, -111.52521
Hollow: 40.32476, -111.53204