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how to build a legacy by facing challenges together

For years, we lived a life that seemed like the right path. I was managing the home and dabbling in side businesses, while Dakota worked long, exhausting hours as a police officer. On the surface, we were doing everything we were “supposed” to do—but deep down, we both knew something had to change. We wanted more for our family, more connection, and a life that truly aligned with our values.

The idea of working together and leading as a family wasn’t something that happened overnight. It took time, reflection, and a lot of hard conversations. We realized that what we really wanted was to create a legacy, not just through financial success, but through intentional living—building something meaningful, side by side.

In this post, I’ll share our journey from feeling stuck on separate paths to creating a unified vision that has transformed our lives. This is how we began rebuilding after some of the most challenging seasons of our family’s life.

From Separate Paths to a Unified Vision: Rebuilding After Challenge

When Dakota was a police officer, our family faced challenges we never saw coming. His time in the Army, including deployments, often felt safer than the constant risks of law enforcement. The stress, the long hours, and the emotional weight of the job began to take a serious toll—not just on him, but on all of us. I watched as the job changed him, making him more distant, more guarded. Home no longer felt like a place to recharge; it became a place where we all felt the weight of his work. It was hard to connect, and soon we realized that if we wanted to protect our family, we needed to make some big changes.

We knew we couldn’t keep living separate lives, moving in different directions, with Dakota buried in his work and me trying to hold everything else together. So, we made the bold decision to hit reset. We sold nearly everything we owned, moved into an RV, and Dakota quit his career as a police officer. The relief we felt in those first few months was undeniable. We hit the road, traveling full-time as a family, seeking adventure, simplicity, and most of all—healing.

The Transition Phase: From Survival Mode to Family Teamwork
The transition wasn’t easy. We had some savings to rely on, but inflation and a shaky economy quickly ate away at it. We found ourselves needing to figure out what was next, and it wasn’t always clear how we’d support ourselves. But this season of uncertainty also became a season of growth. Through our travels, we met some incredible friends who opened our eyes to new possibilities. We worked in jobs that pushed us, sometimes even straining our marriage, but those challenges ultimately made us stronger as a couple.

This phase was all about realigning our family. It didn’t happen overnight, but through the ups and downs, we learned to communicate better and prioritize what really mattered. Slowly, our family grew into a team in ways we hadn’t expected. We were no longer on separate paths but building something together—something that felt meaningful and aligned with our values.

Creating a Vision Together
As we traveled, we started to dream again. The experiences we had on the road reshaped our vision for our future. We wanted to build a life that wasn’t just about surviving but thriving as a family unit. It wasn’t about “retiring” Dakota from his career; it was about bringing him home—mentally, emotionally, and physically. We wanted him fully present, not caught up in the demands of a job that pulled him away from us.

This journey of realignment has been long and full of unexpected turns, but today, we are more unified than ever. We’ve learned that building a legacy isn’t about wealth or status—it’s about working together, facing challenges together, and creating a life where every member of the family has a role in shaping our future. And the best part? We’re doing it side by side, as a team.

Building Multiple Streams of Income: Family-Centered and Full of Growth

As we continued on our journey, we knew that creating multiple streams of income was the key to building a sustainable family-centered business. During our transitional time from a house into an apartment and eventually into our RV, I had become a Brand Partner with Young Living Essential Oils, and that income stream was still beneficial as it provided supplemental support as we simplified our lifestyle. We love how the business model allows us to work together while aligning with a company we truly believe in. The best part? It’s given us opportunities to learn more about business, build connections, and develop personally. The growth has been incredible—even if the income isn’t sky-high.

Dabbling in Influencer and Affiliate Marketing
In the fall of 2021, after being on the road for about 6 months, we began exploring the world of influencer and affiliate marketing. We had no idea what we were doing at first, but it didn’t take long to realize the potential. Sharing products and services we loved with our growing online community opened up new doors for income streams. This was especially great because it didn’t tie us to one place or require Dakota to be away from home. Plus, it let us experiment and see what worked best for our lifestyle. The flexibility and creativity of this work made it feel less like a job and more like an extension of our lives, which was a refreshing change.

Grocery Delivery and Work Camping: Unique Family Jobs
In January 2022, we added grocery shopping and delivery to our mix of income streams, and it quickly became one of our favorite jobs. The best part? We did it as a family. With our kids involved, it became a fun, teamwork-focused job where we could be together, set our own schedules, and earn amazing tips. The flexibility it offered was a huge bonus, and we found ourselves enjoying the freedom and laughter it brought.

In April 2023, we tried something new—work camping. This meant living stationery at a campground while working there. Although this experience hasn’t been without its challenges, especially since we were working for extended family, it taught us valuable lessons about boundaries and what type of work best aligns with our family goals.

A New Chapter on the Horizon

As we continue to build our family’s legacy and explore new opportunities, we’ve started on an exciting new adventure that we can’t wait to share with you because it will hopefully support you! While we can’t reveal all the details just yet, this new venture will allow each member of our family to contribute their unique strengths, bringing us even closer together in the process. It’s a business that aligns perfectly with our values and will create long-term benefits for all of us as well as our community. We’re incredibly excited about what’s ahead, and in future posts, we’ll be sharing more about how this new chapter fits into our goal of creating sustainable, family-centered streams of income. Stay tuned for the big reveal—you won’t want to miss it!

Through each of these ventures, we’ve learned a lot about balancing family life and business. It’s been an ongoing process of growth and adaptation, but we’re thankful for every step. These experiences have helped us discover that the key to building a sustainable income is flexibility, teamwork, and doing what feels right for our family’s future. We’re excited to continue building on this foundation—together.

Simplifying to Strengthen: How Working Together Creates a Lasting Legacy

When we look back on our journey, one thing becomes crystal clear—simplifying our life was the best decision we ever made. Financially, emotionally, and physically, stripping away the excess allowed us to focus on what really matters: our family, our values, and the future we want to build. We were able to deconstruct the confines of conventional living boxes we thought we had to fit within, and begin to reconstruct on our own terms. It’s easy to get swept up in the day-to-day hustle of traditional jobs, juggling schedules, and feeling like you’re just surviving rather than thriving. But when we made the conscious choice to simplify, everything began to shift.

You don’t have to follow the exact same path we did, but the principle remains the same—less clutter means more room to create something meaningful. Whether it’s decluttering your home or scaling back financially, the act of simplifying opens up possibilities you might not have seen before.

The Power of a Shared Mission

There’s something powerful about a family working together toward a common goal. It strengthens bonds, fosters understanding, and makes the mission that much more meaningful. For us, transitioning from a traditional job to a lifestyle where we work, live, and grow together has brought us closer in ways we never imagined. Sure, it was challenging at first, especially when Dakota left his police job, which was the cornerstone of our income for so long. We had to get used to working together, figuring out new routines, and learning how to communicate better than ever.

But overcoming those challenges has made our shared mission of creating a legacy together even stronger. We’re no longer on separate paths, living divided lives. We’re working toward a common future that feels intentional and aligned with our values. And while not every day is easy, we’re constantly reminded of the power of working together. It’s more than just income or survival—it’s about building something bigger than ourselves.

Overcoming the Challenges of Transition
Making the shift from traditional jobs to a more collaborative family-centered lifestyle isn’t without its bumps. There were times we questioned our decisions, worried about finances, and wondered if we were in over our heads. Those fears are normal, and if you’re thinking about making a similar transition, you might feel them too. But here’s the thing—you don’t have to have it all figured out right away.

What helped us was taking small, consistent steps forward. Each job we picked up, from the essential oils business to grocery delivery, was a building block toward something bigger. It wasn’t about hitting the jackpot with one venture, but rather about creating multiple streams of income that aligned with our values and allowed us to work together.

You can start small too. Whether it’s a side hustle that lets you involve your kids or simply reevaluating how much time and energy you’re spending on things that don’t align with your future goals, it’s all part of the process. The key is to move forward with intention.

Your Family Legacy Starts Now

The idea of creating a family legacy might feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. It starts with small, intentional changes that bring you closer to the life you want to live. Maybe it’s about finding a way to simplify your finances so you can start saving more. Maybe it’s about setting up family meetings to talk about long-term goals. Or maybe it’s simply about learning how to work together in little ways, like involving your kids in household chores or taking on a small side hustle as a family.

The beauty of creating a legacy is that it’s a continuous process. You don’t have to have all the answers right now, but every step you take today is building something for tomorrow. Whether you’re thinking about transitioning away from traditional jobs or simply looking to realign your life with your values, the best time to start is now. You might be surprised by how quickly things start to fall into place once you make the decision to move forward.

Actionable Plan: Starting Your Own Family Legacy
If you’re ready to start working toward a family-centered life and legacy, here are a few steps to get you started:

  • Simplify Your Finances: Take an honest look at your financial situation. Can you cut back on unnecessary expenses? Is there a way to save more or invest in a small side hustle?
  • Involve Your Family: Start involving your spouse and kids in decisions. Whether it’s brainstorming business ideas or setting goals together, make it a team effort.
  • Start Small: Don’t feel like you need to overhaul everything at once. Begin with one small change, like starting a part-time business that aligns with your family’s values or taking on a collaborative project that brings you together.
  • Create a Vision: Sit down as a family and talk about what kind of future you want to build together. What are your long-term goals, and how can you start working toward them today?

    By taking these steps, you’re already on the path to creating a meaningful legacy—one that reflects your values and strengthens your family bond. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

    Your family legacy starts now. Are you ready?

    How to Completely Change Your Life in 6 Months

    How to Completely Change your life in 6 months. Family out for a walk together with palm trees surrounding them and a dirt path in front of them

    Over the years, our family has embraced a lifestyle that many might consider unconventional. We’ve ditched the toxic products and have made significant changes to our daily routines. It all feels second nature to us now. The changes haven’t all been strictly just about living healthier either; they’re about guarding our family’s well-being and connecting as a family team. I take this responsibility seriously, and I’m here to help you navigate your journey toward a better, healthier lifestyle, too

    I know that transition often feels overwhelming, but it actually doesn’t have to be. Baby steps, and habit building are powerful ways to start the journey. I remember when I first started this journey in 2015, it felt like a massive undertaking. I spent hours researching, swapping out products, and experimenting with new recipes. But now? I could do it in my sleep! Each small change we made became a stepping stone to a different life of more energy and more joy.

    This lifestyle shift is about more than just physical health; it’s about creating a home that nourishes our bodies and souls. We’ve learned to cook with real, whole foods and ditch the processed stuff. It’s actually a really freeing experience turning meal prep into family time rather than a chore. We look at the ways we are stewarding our bodies well, instead of introducing moe garbage, and it feel good to honor and respect them.

    I am here to guide you

    So, if you’re looking to make a change, I’m here to guide you. But first, I want to remind you that changing everything all at once is really hard, and it often leads to failure. Instead, for most people it tends to be a better plan to make one change at a time. I leave it up to you, how you go about it. And I have multiple resources available for you as well to help guide you on the journey.

    Let’s begin!

    Align with Purpose: Build a Family Mission & Vision

    Building a family mission and vision might sound like something only big companies do, but trust me—it’s a game-changer for your home. Think of it as creating a guiding flashlight that keeps your family moving toward the same goals, even when life gets dark or messy. When everyone is on the same page, it brings a sense of purpose and unity that strengthens your bond.

    Creating your family mission doesn’t have to be complicated, either. Sit down together (yes, even with the littles!) and talk about what really matters to you. What kind of life do you want to build? What values are non-negotiable? This is where you get to dream together and set the foundation for a life that aligns with your beliefs, goals, and lifestyle. For us, we knew that teamwork, simplicity, and health were key. That’s become the core of our family’s mission, and it’s helped guide everything from daily routines to big life decisions.

    Make It Personal

    The best part of creating a family mission is that it’s personal to you. There’s no right or wrong answer, and no one else’s will look exactly like yours. For us, our mission is about living purposefully, stewarding our health, and connecting deeply with one another. Maybe for your family, it’s about adventure, creativity, or faith. Whatever it is, putting it into words will make it real, and you’ll start living it more intentionally.

    Don’t overthink it, either. Start simple, write down a few key values, and you’ll be amazed at how naturally things fall into place. Once you have a mission, you can refer back to it anytime you’re feeling out of sync or wondering what’s next for your family. It’s like having a road map that brings everyone back to the heart of what matters most.

    Trust me, this one step can completely shift how your family connects and how you approach life together! It’s not just about what you do—it’s about why you’re doing it. When your actions reflect your purpose, it changes everything!

    Simplify Your Space: Remove Toxic Products from Your Home

    Detoxifying your home might sound like a big task, but don’t worry—it’s actually pretty simple once you get started. When you begin swapping harmful products for natural alternatives, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner! There’s something so satisfying about knowing what’s in your home is truly safe for your family.

    A great place to start is in the areas you use the most. For most of us, that’s the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. Take a look at your cleaning supplies, personal care products, and even the stuff you’re washing your clothes with. Those are the main culprits where toxins like synthetic fragrances, harsh chemicals, and preservatives like to hide. By slowly replacing these with natural, non-toxic versions, you’re already making a huge impact.

    Start Small, Make Swaps

    Don’t feel like you have to ditch everything all at once! I started out small—first it was my deodorant and toothpaste, then cleaning products and laundry detergent. From there I kind of went a bit extreme and started swapping out a bunch of stuff at one time. I don’t know if you know this about me, but sometimes I can be an all or nothing type, and I just go all-in and rip that bandaid off all at once! Each swap adds up though, so baby steps are still huge. Don’t discount your own baby steps on this journey!

    Some ideas to get you thinking: natural all-purpose cleaners made with vinegar or essential oils, fragrance-free laundry detergents, and skincare that’s free of parabens and phthalates. Once you start noticing what’s in the products you use, it gets easier to make better choices. I often love to find companies that I align with. This can make it easier. Once I know that a company aligns with our values, I know that their products generally will too, and the research investment of time is generally a lot shorter.

    Focus on What You Can Control

    The best part about detoxing your home is the peace of mind that comes with it. You can’t control everything outside, but you can control what you bring into your home. Making these swaps is about simplifying, clearing out the junk, and making room for healthier, happier living. Trust me, your space will feel lighter, and so will you!

    Sunshine & Sleep: Sync Your Body with Natural Rhythms

    One of the simplest but most impactful ways to boost your health is by syncing with nature’s rhythms—starting with sunlight and sleep. I know, it sounds almost too easy, but trust me, this is a game-changer. When you start paying attention to how much sunlight you’re getting during the day and how you wind down at night, everything else just falls into place.

    Your body craves natural light. Morning sunlight helps reset your internal clock (your circadian rhythm) and boosts your mood, energy, and focus for the day. So, get outside! Even just 10–20 minutes of sunshine first thing in the morning can do wonders. For me, it’s become part of my daily routine—It’s simple, and it’s free!

    Reset Your Sleep Routine

    Then, there’s sleep. We all know it’s important, but are we really prioritizing it? If you’re like me, there have been seasons where sleep felt like a luxury instead of a necessity. But here’s the deal: when your sleep is in sync with your natural rhythms, everything gets easier—energy, mood, even digestion. Start by creating a consistent bedtime routine. Keep it simple: turn off screens an hour before bed, dim the lights, and maybe read a book or take a warm bath.

    The beauty of syncing with your natural rhythms is that it doesn’t take long to feel the difference. After just a few days of prioritizing sunlight and better sleep habits, you’ll notice more energy, better focus, and less stress. Plus, it’s such an easy step to take toward a healthier lifestyle.

    Small Changes, Big Impact

    Don’t underestimate the power of sunshine and sleep! It’s such a simple yet effective way to nourish your body and mind. By making small adjustments, like getting outside more and improving your evening routine, you’ll naturally fall into a healthier rhythm. It’s the kind of change that sticks—and it’s one your body will thank you for!

    Reclaim Your Energy: Walk 7,000–10,000 Steps a Day

    If there’s one habit I can’t recommend enough, it’s walking. There’s something magical about how simple daily movement can completely transform your energy levels. Walking gets your blood flowing, clears your mind, and helps shake off any sluggishness—without feeling like a workout. You don’t need a fancy gym membership or complicated routines to start seeing the benefits. Just lace up your shoes and go!

    You’ve probably heard that 10,000 steps a day is the magic number, right? Well, fun fact: that number didn’t actually come from science. It originated in the 1960s from a Japanese company trying to sell its new step-tracker. They set the target at 10,000 to encourage people to move more, but research has since shown that you can still get major health benefits from walking around 7,000 steps a day. So, if 10,000 sounds overwhelming, don’t sweat it! You’re still doing great by aiming for 7,000 steps. And can we just take a moment to reflect on the fact that even back in the 60s companies were making up “science” data to make money?! Some things just never change, do they?

    Small Steps, Big Benefits

    Whether you’re hitting 7,000 or 10,000, the real magic happens with consistency. Daily walking improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and boosts energy levels. Plus, it’s a great way to reset mentally—especially on those chaotic days when everything feels overwhelming. I like to think of walking as a little reset button for my body and brain. On days when I don’t feel like doing anything, a short walk can completely change my mood.

    Making It Fun & Easy

    Here’s the best part: you can easily fit walking into your daily routine without even thinking about it. Walk while chatting with friends, take the kids to the park, or make it part of your post-dinner routine. I love walking as a way to catch up with my family or unwind after a long day. Prayer walks in the AM are a great way to combine morning sunlight and some steps! You don’t have to hit the 10,000-step mark for it to “count”—every step you take is one step closer to reclaiming your energy and health. And hey, if you hit 10,000? Great! But don’t stress if you don’t. It’s the daily movement that matters most!

    Ditch the Digital: Cut Your Screen Time in Half

    Alright, let’s get real here—cutting your screen time in half might sound like a wild idea, but hear me out. If you’ve already committed to your new bedtime routine with that blissful, screen-free hour before sleep, and you’re busy hitting your 7,000–10,000 steps a day (which, of course, takes so much time), when exactly are you staring at your screen? Exactly. You’re probably finding you have way less time for it already!

    But seriously, cutting back on screen time can be a game-changer, not just for your productivity but also for your mental clarity. Let’s not even get started on how addictive it is to scroll through social media or binge-watch shows for hours. Been there, done that, lost entire afternoons. Imagine reclaiming all that lost time for more meaningful things—like actually living the life you’ve been working to improve!

    And can I tell you a crazy thing that might help you feel encouraged? In 2016 I was informed that Network marketers should not watch TV because it takes away from the time that they have to work on their side-hustle. And you can argue about that all day, but I took it to heart and stopped watching TV. A couple years later I learned of the “agenda” of television, and I felt that my previous decision to stop watching it was even better than originally thought. I can count on one hand the amount of TV I’ve watched since. We don’t even have a TV in our home, and those 2 shows I watched were binges of a Christian program. Like I said, I’m sharing this to inspire you and show you what is possible, not to toot my own horn.

    Blue Light & Your Sleep

    Here’s the science-y part: the blue light emitted from your screens (whether it’s your phone, tablet, or TV) mimics daylight. This tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime, which messes with your body’s natural rhythms—especially when you’re trying to wind down before bed. So if you’re all about syncing with those natural rhythms, reducing your screen time (especially at night) is a must. This ties right back into that magical sunlight-and-sleep combo we talked about. More sunshine, less screen time, and your body starts to align with its natural cues. You’ll fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more refreshed.

    Practical Ways to Cut Down

    Cutting your screen time doesn’t mean going off the grid or throwing your phone out the window (though tempting, right?). It’s more about being intentional. Try scheduling screen-free activities, like family walks, reading a good book (maybe 10 pages of personal development a day?), or even having some old-school face-to-face conversations. You’ll be amazed at how much more present you’ll feel when the digital distractions are gone. And hey, if you’re already getting those 7,000 steps and keeping that one-hour bedtime routine, you probably won’t even miss the screen time!

    Real Food, Real Results: Upgrade Your Family’s Nutrition

    Alright, we’ve saved the best (and, let’s be real, sometimes the hardest) for last—food. I know, I know. This is where a lot of people dig their heels in because let’s face it, changing the way your family eats is tough. But here’s the deal: if you know something isn’t good for your body, why would you keep eating it? The 80/20 rule just doesn’t fly in my house. If I know something is basically poison for my body, I’m not going to let it sneak in—even 20% of the time. That’s why I’m sober now, although my husband still isn’t. I get it, everyone’s on their own journey.

    When it comes to food, though, I truly believe in keeping things simple. No need to overcomplicate it. A traditional, animal-based diet with lots of good fats and a rainbow of fruit is what we stick to. We’re not talking extreme carnivore diets here, but real, nutrient-dense foods that actually fuel your body. Forget about processed junk, chemicals, or weird additives. Real food from the earth and animals will naturally give you more energy and vitality—and you’ll feel the difference quick once you make the shift.

    Start Small, But Stay Consistent

    I get it—changing your family’s nutrition can feel like a battle. So start small. Transition slowly if you have to. Maybe swap out one processed snack a day for some fresh fruit or healthy fats like avocado or raw cheese. Gradually replace those prepackaged meals with homemade, simple recipes. And trust me, once you start, you won’t want to go back. Your taste buds change, your energy improves, and your whole family will feel more connected to their food.

    Get Everyone on Board (Or Try!)

    Getting the whole family on board can be tricky, especially if they’re used to eating a certain way. My husband’s journey is different from mine, and that’s okay. But I’ve found that when you lead by example and make the changes yourself, your family starts to notice. They’ll see your increased energy, how good you feel, and how much more vibrant life becomes. Eventually, they’ll want in on that, too.

    So, mama, keep it simple, stick with it, and you’ll see real, lasting results for your family’s health. It’s not about perfection but about honoring your body with real, nourishing food that makes you feel alive. You’ve got this!

    Bringing It All Together: Your Path to Progress

    Here we are, at the end of your six-month journey, and what an exciting path it is! You’ve got six intentional changes laid out, each designed to build on the last. The beauty of it all? You can take your time, one step each month, easing into a healthier, more connected lifestyle that feels doable and real. Baby steps, mama! You’ll see how these little shifts add up in big ways.

    Start by building your family’s mission and vision. This lays the foundation for everything else—you’ll know exactly what you’re working towards as a family team. Next up, simplify your space and remove those toxic products from your home. Detoxing your environment feels so freeing, and it’s a crucial step in making sure your space is a safe haven for your crew.

    Once your home is in order, it’s time to sync your body with natural rhythms—more sunshine and better sleep will have you feeling balanced and energized. Then, add in more movement, aiming for 7,000–10,000 steps a day. It’s amazing what daily walking can do to boost both your energy and your health. After that, cut back on screen time and reclaim some mental space, creating a better flow between work, play, and rest.

    Finally, it’s time to upgrade your family’s nutrition. With everything else in place, this step will feel like a natural progression. You’ll be more in tune with your body, your space will be cleaner, and you’ll have more energy. Eating real, nutrient-dense foods will be the cherry on top of all your hard work.

    You’ve got this!

    By layering these habits over six months, you’re building a lifestyle that supports both health and happiness. These changes stick because they’re done mindfully, one at a time. Six months from now, you’ll look back and realize how far you’ve come, and wonder how you ever lived any other way!

    Do I Need a Ladder for Fulltime RV Life?

    Cleaning the front cap is so much easier with a ladder!

    Before we moved into our RV, this was a question we found ourselves asking. We had a huge ladder with multiple positions and uses. But it seemed like overkill. After-all, we had a ladder attached to the side of our rig. Why would we ned another ladder? In an effort to downsize our belongings, we sold our ladder. And as soon as we hit our first RV park in the Thousand Trails system, we began to regret our decision. Why would we need a ladder? To do ladder things, obviously!

    Maintenance on our slides is a lot easier when we aren’t hanging off the side of the roof!

    So yes, we can climb up onto the roof to check it out, perform routine maintenance, and ensure everything up top is on the up and up. But cleaning the rig and checking seals isn’t easy from the ground or the rooftop. We needed something different. We needed something that allowed us to do what we needed to do without unsafely leaning or hanging over the edge of the roof.

    Our New Telescoping Ladder

    What’s a family to do when they live in less than 400 sq ft of space yet are in need of a tall ladder? Get a telescoping ladder of course! The telescoping function is awesome!!! It shrinks the ladder to a tiny size without compromising ladder height! We’re so happy with our new Cosco Telescoping ladder! It’s seriously tough, convenient, and the perfect height!

    We always have big helpers! It’s so important to us that we are able to teach them through life experiences.

    The Cosco ladder comes in 3 size variations. We went ahead with the 16 foot size in order to ensure that even if we angle it up against the RV, we’re still going to be able the roofline. The other two sizes are 12 foot and 18 foot, and you can grab it from Home Depot! If you’re a veteran, don’t forget to ask about the veteran discount!

    The Best Part

    What’s really cool about this ladder though is the smart close feature. After telescoping it to it’s full height and locking each step into place, it’s as simple as a button slide to unlock the ladder and the ladder does the rest by slowly retracts into itself. No pinched fingers! And once it’s all scrunched up, it straps together for easy carrying and storage. It really is perfect for RV living!

    It’s so sturdy, but it still stores pretty small and doesn’t take up a ton of space in our tiny home


    Base Width (in.)20Extension Ladder Maximum Height (ft.)16
    Industry Standard Ladder Height (ft.)16Reach Height (ft.)16
    Rung/Step Depth3Step Rise (in.)12
    Storage Depth (in.)3Storage Height (ft.)2

    FeaturesPortableLadder Product TypeTelescoping
    Ladder RatingType 1A – 300 lbs.Ladder TypeExtension
    Load Capacity (lb.)300 lb.MaterialAluminum
    Number of Steps12Product Weight (lb.)30.89 lb

    Whatcha Got in that Thang?

    Our Dodge Ran 3500 in a parking lot somewhere in Illinois

    Whatcha got in that thang?
    Before we purchased our tiny home on wheels it was really important to us to make sure we had a truck that could pull her no problem. As we weren’t sure exactly what RV we’d be getting yet, and we’d heard stories of people switching rigs after living in them, we wanted to get a truck that could pull damn near anything. RESEARCH! RESEARCH! RESEARCH! And that’s when this beauty popped into our life.

    She’s a 2020 Dodge RAM 3500 Laramie MEGA cab
    — 6.7L I6 Cummins HO turbo diesel
    — 220 Amp alternator
    — Max tow package with the 4.10 axle ratio
    — Dual rear wheels
    — Automatic rear air suspension
    + the bells and whistles for comfort like heated leather seats, unloaded speakers, sunroof, spray in bed liner, and automatic steps for easy entry.
    + the sexy night edition upgrade l

    Do we love her? Yup!
    Who drives? We both do!

    Does she have a name? We lovingly call her Sixer! Named for her 6 tires by our Daughter Vanellope!
    Things of note: She’s got a big ol’ booty so she doesn’t fit in regular car washes. She’s hard to park in a parking spot, but if you’ve got a few minutes, it can be done. Her mileage is running about 14mpg (8 while towing) and with prices on the rise that could be a hard pill to swallow. At 5’9” and with a long torso, my messy bun always hits the ceiling and that’s annoying! I learned how to drive in a big pickup truck, so although it was a little nerve wracking at first since it’s been about 20 years, it wasn’t a hard adjustment coming from a car to this beast.
    ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 5 stars! highly recommend

    Italian Zucchini Bake Recipe For A Veggies Most Lifestyle

    When we met, the hubs was quite the gourmet chef making amazing dishes like Taco Bell drive-through delight, and Subway sandwich on a paper plate. It’s no wonder he stole my heart! After all, it certainly wasn’t his motorcycle that did me in. I wasn’t sure if he’d ever live up to that once we got married, but somehow he still manages to blow me away by continually expanding his kitchen skills. Recently he pondered my food sensitivities, gluten-free circumstance, and passion for Italian food. Then and he whipped up an Italian Zucchini Bake that the entire family drools over! Yes, we’ve had it three times in two weeks!

    All joking aside though, ladies, this man can cook! I love his fearless attitude in the kitchen. He tries new things constantly, and although some are disasters, 99% of the time I request the recipe again, and again, and again! This Italian Zucchini Bake is no exception to that 99%!

    Italian Zucchini Bake Recipe

    Italian Zucchini Pasta Substitute

    One of the things we work with our clients on is incorporating more veggies into their lives by substituting veggies for all sorts of different things. Do you need a bun for that grass-fed beef patty? Use some giant lettuce leaves! Do you want some chicken fried rice? Use cauliflower instead! Do you love pasta as much as I do but can’t eat gluten? Try some naturally gluten-free zoodles, or zucchini spears in this case! If you need help incorporating more veggies, check out our veggies most recipes on our Recipes page.

    Are you already living a veggies most life? We’d love to hear about some of your favorite recipes in the comments. Or, if you’re craving something special, but you aren’t sure how to create a veggies most recipe for it, let us know, and we can add it to our menu! Now, for the part you’ve waited for: the recipe!

    Italian Zucchini Bake
    Prep Time
    10 mins
    Cook Time
    25 mins
    Total Time
    28 mins

    An Italian recipe without the pasta? Absolutely! This delicious zucchini bake is perfect for "veggies most" families as a dinner option. Don't forget to add a protein side.

    Course: Main Course
    Cuisine: Italian
    Keyword: veggies most
    Author: Dakota
    • 6 zucchini quartered lengthwise
    • 1 large purple onion diced
    • 1 cup grape tomatoes halved
    • 5 cloves fresh garlic
    • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
    • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
    • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
    • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    • Himalayan salt to taste
    • 3 tablespoons avocado oil
    • 2 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley leaves
    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat a baking dish with sprayable avocado oil; set aside.
    2. Dice onion and set aside.
    3. In a small bowl, combine thyme, oregano, basil, garlic powder, and salt, to taste.
    4. Place zucchini, onion, tomato, and garlic into prepared baking dish. Drizzle with avocado oil and sprinkle with seasoning mixture. Toss everything to coat. Place into oven and bake until tender, about 25 minutes. 

    5. Serve immediately, garnished with parsley, if desired.
    Recipe Notes

    Perfect for our clients following our premium nutrition plan. As a dinner, fill your plate up 75% with this veggies most dish, and add 25% protein like grilled chicken or salmon.

    Avocado Hand – Get an Avocado Slicer to Avoid it

    Have you heard about this widespread situation happening in kitchens everywhere? With the recent increase in popularity for the avocado, more people are falling victim to avocado hand, and emergency rooms are seeing an increase in this terribly painful injury. It sounds like I might be joking, but the situation is real. My hope is that you not only avoid avocado hand, but that you have an easier time in the kitchen when preparing one of my favorite healthy fats!

    Avoid Avocado Hand - Get an Avocado Slicer

    What is Avocado Hand?

    Avocado hand happens when someone attempts to either slice open an avocado, remove the stone with a knife, or slice an avocado with a knife, then the knife slips and slices their hand. Even famous people like Meryl Streep are affected by avocado hand. So, yes, it can happen to anyone, and surgeons are reporting that the injury is very destructive, often requiring surgery to repair damaged nerve and tendon injuries.

    So how can you avoid – or at least cut your chances of encountering avocado hand? I’ll be honest, most days I walk on the wild side. Admittedly, it’s rather stupid of me, but I typically use a knife to slice my avocados while specifically telling our clients and audience not to do what I do. It’s true, you’ll see me in so many videos telling people “Don’t do it like this!” The worst part is that we have a tool – self-proclaimed gadget queen here – just steps away that will nearly cut my risk to zero! If you would like to read check out more of my favorite kitchen gadgets, check out our foodie life page!

    Avoid Avocado Hand - Get an Avocado Slicer

    Enter the Avocado Slicer

    Avoid Avocado Hand - Get an Avocado SlicerThis little kitchen gadget is a must have item for those of you living the avocado life. Do you love avocado toast? Avocado in your salad? In place of mayo in your tuna salad? Added to your smoothies and superfoods to make them even creamier? Living that foodie life or that LCHF (low carb high fat) life? You need this!! I promise!

    This amazing little 2-in-1 gadget not only fishes the stone out of the avocado, but it also slices it into perfectly pleasing identical avocado slices that you can fan out in a pretty design. You know what I’m talking about, right? Those pretty avocado slice fans? Like this one in my sexy salad the other day…


    Avoid Avocado Hand - Get an Avocado Slicer

    Avoid Avocado Hand - Get an Avocado Slicer

    It’s super easy to use, too! Simply use the smaller end to remove the pit. Then, use the larger end to slice the avocado into pretty little segments!

    What are some of your favorite ways to add avocado to your life? Can you share it in the comments?

    Avoid Avocado Hand - Get an Avocado Slicer

    The Best Chicken Recipe and Seasoning Mix Ever

    One of the most important things you can do in the kitchen if you want great food, is use seasonings. Seasonings are what make or break a delicious meal. If you go to any restaurant and ask the chef what their secret is, I bet they will tell you it’s the seasonings. So it should come as no surprise that the best chicken recipe ever is primarily reliant on the seasoning blend!

    In fact, this seasoning blend is so delicious that you can easily add it to just about anything:

    • Pork chops
    • Steak
    • Ground beef
    • Eggs
    • Tempeh

    We love this recipe for the best chicken recipe because it’s not only really simple to make as a small batch, but making a large batch is super easy too. Just remember, equal parts everything, but double the salt! If you are a fan of meal prepping, this seasoning blend works great for large batches of protein to last you through the week. You can check out our meal prepping workshop for more ideas!

    The Best Chicken Recipe Seasoning Blend

    The best Chicken Recipe: A seasoning blend for any meatLet’s get to the recipe! Feel free to set your oven on, trim any access fat away from your meat, and spray your baking dish ahead of time. I always prefer to have that stuff done first so that the oven is prepping for me and once I get the seasoning blend mixed up I’m ready to make the best chicken recipe ever! Now, grab up all your seasonings:

    • Himalayan sea salt
    • Black Pepper
    • Garlic Powder
    • Onion Powder
    • Dried Oregano
    • Smoked Paprika

    Once you have them all together, it’s super simple to just grab one 1/4 teaspoon and start dumping. We typically make big batches, so I usually start with a tablespoon. Just remember, whatever measurement you use, you’ll have equal parts of everything, but double the salt! So start dumping!

    The best Chicken Recipe: A seasoning blend for any meat

    The Best Chicken Recipe or Whatever Really

    Once all of your herbs and spices are mixed together, the messy part begins. Grab that chicken, or if you prefer, pork, beef, tempeh, etc…. and coat everything in the seasoning mix. My favorite method for doing this involves putting the chicken directly into the seasoning bowl and pressing it down. The seasonings then stick to your meat, and coat it completely.

    Once all your meat is coated, add it to your baking dish which should already have a light spray of avocado oil. We use avocado oil because it’s chemically stable at high heats. Why is that important? It won’t oxidize. When oils undergo oxidation, they react with oxygen and form free radicals and harmful compounds that you definitely don’t want to consume. Other options that we like are coconut oil or grass-fed butter. Now throw that baking dish in the oven, set your timer, and get ready to savor a delicious meal!

    The best Chicken Recipe: A seasoning blend for any meat

    This is a batch of boneless chicken thighs that will survive a week in our house. The hubs will take it for lunch everyday with his giant sexy salads. For this large batch, I used a tablespoon to measure equal parts of everything, but I doubled the salt! Then I made sure each thigh got really well in the seasoning mix. It really is the best chicken recipe!

    I’d love to hear about the different ways you used this seasoning mix. Share your favorites in the comments section below!

    Renay’s Kind of Chicken
    Prep Time
    5 mins
    Cook Time
    10 mins
    Total Time
    15 mins

    This seasoning recipe is extremely versatile! you can use it to season anything. We love it on chicken, pork, and beef. It even works well in eggs!

    Course: Main Course
    Cuisine: American
    Keyword: Chicken
    Servings: 4 6 ounce portions
    Author: Renay
    • 4, 6 ounce boneless skinless chicken breasts
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
    • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
    • ¼ teaspoon onion powder
    • ¼ teaspoon dried oregano
    • ¼ teaspoon smoked paprika
    • Avocado oil spray kind works awesome
    1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
    2. Spray baking dish with avocado oil - set aside
    3. Combine all dry seasonings and mix well.
      The best Chicken Recipe: A seasoning blend for any meat
    4. Coat chicken on both sides with seasoning mix
      The best Chicken Recipe: A seasoning blend for any meat
    5. Bake, uncovered, for 20 minutes
    6. Remove from oven and check to see that chicken breasts are cooked through.
    7. Serve with veggies of choice, or on a big sexy salad!
      The best Chicken Recipe: A seasoning blend for any meat
    Recipe Notes

    Serving Size = 1 6 oz chicken breast
    Portion Fix Container count per serving: 1 Red

    Josh Coats’ Limiting Beliefs Event Changed Our Life

    When I began coaching, I had no idea that Josh Coats would convince me to puke with him, sell our house, and become a gypsy! I was sleeping 12+ hours a day, had 100 Facebook friends, and had lost most of my personal connections when I lost my job two years earlier. We didn’t live near my family or talk to many of them very often except for my sister, mother, and grandma. I was a brand new mama with postpartum depression and the wife of a (unemployed) full-time student who spent his free time volunteering for teens with incarcerated parents and interning at the local police station while trying to earn a degree in criminal justice. We had a very scary financial outlook on our future. Our savings accounts were nearing empty.

    At that time, my idea of a healthy meal was a Birds Eye Voila Frozen Stir-fry dinner. A workout meant I’d need to walk around a track for an hour a day. That was the best I could do coming in at 275 pounds! Josh Coats, or any business mentor, certainly wasn’t on my radar. Becoming a work-from-home CEO in the health and fitness industry was completely outlandish. I was sick, fat, and nearly dying. Most days I assumed my family would be better off without me.

    I Just Wanted a Discount

    In March 2016, I started coaching for the discount on Shakeology. At the time I was beginning to connect the dots between a low breastmilk supply and poor overall health. The usual BS that the pediatrician gave me wasn’t working, and I refused to believe that “some women just can’t do it.”

    I was in research mode all day, every day and when I discovered Shakeology, and I assumed everyone would believe in the magic of superfoods if I told them it tasted good. I had no idea what I was doing or how I would do it. I’d heard of the 21 Day Fix before, so it made sense that everyone would jump at the opportunity to do a Beachbody fitness program with me! In fact, I sent a message to every female Facebook friend I had asking them to do this with me, but if I was even lucky enough to get a response, it was a huge, astounding “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” If you were one of those messages, thank you for your support! Where was Josh Coats back then? But I persisted!

    Two years ago I NEVER could have imagined feeling comfortable spending $199 on a 3 hour small group training with one of my biggest mentors and 30 perfect strangers. In fact, I didn’t even realize that I would have a business mentor. I didn’t even know there were things like Coach Summit or Business Coaches like Josh. I didn’t even know if it was possible to make money as a Beachbody coach, but I sure wanted to believe it was!

    From Discount to Income

    A lot happened over the course of 2 years. I worked my butt off because *income disclaimer* Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. You can see the Statement of Independent Earnings for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes. Remember when I said that I had no idea what I was doing when I started? Yeah, it was hard work for me! I watched other coaches build their businesses faster and bigger than I could even imagine. Most days I felt like I was barely scrapping by. My income certainly wasn’t an income, but it did allow me to stay home and work on becoming a better and stronger woman, so there was that!

    Over those two years I discovered a guy by the name of Josh Coats. He was a pretty bold business mentor that was beginning to make a name for himself by helping Beachbody coaches like myself make brave decisions, dream bigger, and grow thriving businesses. In May I got an email from him. He was coming to Indianapolis at the same time we would be there for our annual Coach Summit, and if I could scrape up $199 I could hang out with him and 30 other coaches for a few hours to overcome my limiting beliefs and get my business on the right path toward more success! I was freaking scared!

    Why Was I Scared?

    • That’s our grocery money for nearly 2 weeks! That’s a TON of money!
    • This dude doesn’t even know my name. I stalk him on social media, subscribe to his newsletter, and can’t believe I’d ever be I the same room as him.
    • I’m an introvert. I have social anxiety. Strangers scare me.

    The Josh Coats Event that Changed Our LifeThe Holy Shit Moment

    But that day was payday, and it just so happened that my Beachbody coaching paycheck hit my account. It was just over $200! Did I mention that I love getting paid weekly?! I work part-time on my business. With the launch of our nutrition program, 2B Mindset, I was averaging $30/ hr. That doesn’t count the time spent on social media posts I’d be posting anyway or my workouts I’d be doing anyway….

    So, I brought it up to the hubs. Part of me wanted HIM to be the one that said “No, we can’t afford it.” I wanted him to be the one to blame for me not going. But instead, he said, “GO!” WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! So with my one week less-than-part-time work-from-home-while-my-toddler-naps paycheck, there I was buying a ticket to an event that terrified me, but it felt so good to do that!!

    The Big Day Arrived

    I don’t coach because I’m confident. I’ve become (a bit) confident because I coach. However, when the big day came, I was NOT feeling very confident at all. I almost didn’t go. I tried to convince myself that staying back at the hotel was a better plan. At least then I’d be able to go swimming with the kiddo and the hubs!

    The hubs put his foot down; he gave me the usual confidence building pep-talk and told me I deserved to be at the event. I went, but it took a lot of convincing! During the 40 minute drive from our hotel, I listened to loud and crazy music while convincing myself not to chicken out once I arrived. Have you ever listened to loud music on stock speakers of a ridiculously cheep rental car? Laughable! I’m sure I attracted a few eye rolls!

    But there I was, jumping completely out of my comfort zone and doing something scary…. I met with 30 rockstar coach STRANGERS and met with my biggest business mentor for the first time in person…unless you count the time I pulled a fangirl move and asked for a selfie in the New Orleans airport last July!

    Meeting Josh Coats Again

    So many people shy away from coaching because they limit themselves with small-minded beliefs. If you stopped believing the crap stories you tell yourself, and started living your best life, what would be possible? That’s a question Josh has me asking myself. This dude constantly talks about doing stuff so far outside your comfort zone that you feel like puking! His tagline is #letspuketogether! That right there takes A LOT of big dreaming, big ideas, and big action!

    I knew this event was going to have me puking – the theme was overcoming limiting beliefs. I knew before I arrived at this Josh Coats event that we would be dreaming really big! Josh Coats doesn’t allow anyone to think small. He especially doesn’t allow us to camp out in our comfort zones! And the biggest truth? When you’re around Josh, any tiny idea repressed in your subconscience mind will find its way into your conscience mind, and you will not forget it until you’ve made it happen! I was nervous and excited at the same time!

    Josh Coats doesn’t allow anyone to think small. He especially doesn’t allow us to camp out in our comfort zones!

    The Josh Coats Event that Changed Our LifeJosh Coats’ Life-Changing Question

    The event was scheduled to last for 3 hours, but it lasted nearly 5! In that time, Josh asked us three questions including the one that changed EVERYTHING! As I was writing down my answer, I began telling myself all the reasons why it was stupid. There was no way that this could ever happen. I had every reason to believe that I was indeed, crazy!

    Alright, Josh Coats, let’s puke together! He asked us to write out EXACTLY what our life would look like if we had everything we wanted and could do all the things that mattered to us. What causes would we be a part of? What good would we be adding to the world? How would our family and loved ones be effected?

    More than anything, the things I wrote down surprised me. I wrote about wanting to retire my husband, support my family completely with my income alone, buy an RV, and travel around the country full-time, while spending as much time as possible with the people who mattered the most. I also wrote about wanting to inspire people to believe in their dreams, challenge the status quo, live more vibrantly, commit to better nutrition and moving every day, loving deeper, and going on adventures. Lastly, I wrote about wanting to really live my big dreams instead of just talking about them.

    The difference Two Years Can Make

    It took two years of working on myself every single day and being my best client, two years of watching others succeed faster and better as Beachbody coaches, two years of giving it my best, and not giving up! In those two years I proved to myself that I was capable of doing hard shit and worthy of happiness.

    It took two years of hard work to prepare for the moment at Josh’s event that I dreamed up the biggest dream I’ve ever dreamed. No doubt had I not had those two years of preparing myself, I never could have written that dream down. And I didn’t just write it down. I spoke it out loud to a group of strangers! I shared it with them even though it seemed like the biggest, scariest, most impossible dream.

    In two years I went from a handicapped, extremely obese, introverted, anxiety-ridden, meek, postpartum mama without an ounce of belief in myself and who some days even thought my family would be better without me….. to a powerful dreamer willing to share my story, put in the work, and empower others to do the same!

    One Month Later

    It’s only month later, and that huge, scary, impossible dream is happening! Why? Because I worked on myself every single day for over two years even when it was hard. I showed up, put in the work, and I gave myself grace, but I also gave myself tough love. Those two years helped me GROW in mind, body, and spirit! They taught me something about myself —> I don’t give up! After I wrote down my dream, I decided that my dream mattered. Then, I took ACTION to make it happen.

    At that event, Josh Coats didn’t just ask me what my big scary dream was. He also asked what limiting beliefs were holding me back before challenging me to destroy them with life-affirming actions. He made me puke over and over and over! But one month ago I was puking, and today I’m creating a website to document our journey. We’re putting in the work so that we can sell our home, travel the world, spend time with the people that matter, encourage others to dream big, guide others to take care of themselves, and soak up every drop of life we have as we live out this crazy adventure that we have embarked on!

    You’ve gotta choose your own path, forge your own way, and make it happen! NO MATTER WHAT!!! Coaching gave me the platform to become a better human, mama, a wife, and best of all, A BETTER DREAMER! Josh Coats challenged me, the big dreamer, to actually dream and then follow through and change our entire life!

    The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg in a Small Kitchen

    We’re in downsizing mode, so it’s a bit odd that we’re also still collecting kitchen gadgets! That’s how much we love you all! We’re willing to collect kitchen gadgets during downsizing season so that we can help you live an easier life. Okay, okay, we might be acquiring this one for selfish reasons! We’ve been struggling to make the perfect hard-boiled egg. Without fail, we always mess something up. We either overcook them, undercook them, or remove half the egg while taking the shell off. It’s frustrating!

    Oh, you too? Yay! We’re not alone! I mean…I don’t wish frustration on anyone, but at least knowing that I’m not the only one that can’t make an egg makes me feel a little less silly. We can make the perfect hard-boiled egg together!

    Enter The Egg Cooker!

    I love it when the hubs surprises me! He just bought me this really cool new gadget, and right away I had to try it out. I love prepping a bunch of eggs for the week, so I assumed this would help! Obviously, I was right! If you need more suggestions for weekly meal prep, you should check out our workshop! I’ll be updating the course to include this amazing rockstar! And I love that it’s small too! That’ll be perfect for RV life. In case you didn’t know, most RVs lack on deep storage for kitchen gadgets. I don’t know…I guess they assume that when you’re in an RV you want to actually not be in the RV, but rather, outside enjoying your adventure!

    If you’ve ever seen my hard-boiled eggs, you know I’m not a pro. I’m probably the best person to test out this gadget, because without it, I’m pretty helpless! But, even I can make a great hard-boiled egg with this egg cooker! Let me show you just how simple and fast it is to cook up a dozen eggs. By the way, we are HUGE fans of pasture raised chicken eggs. the difference is insane – both visually and nutritionally.

    Pastured eggs are richer in vitamins A and E, as well as omega-3s. Hens that get to spend time in the sun also lay eggs that contain significantly more vitamin D.

    The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg Is Easy

    1. First you’ll need to prepare your eggs. This is the most important step. It only takes a few seconds, but you’ll need the pin on the bottom of the water cup. Use the pin to poke a hole in the top of each egg.

    Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

    Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

    2. Next you’ll want to fill the supplied measuring cup up with water to the appropriate level. Our cooker makes several different types of eggs like omelets, soft boiled, etc, so there are several lines. Make sure you fill it to the correct line.

    Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

    3. Next you’ll add all the eggs to their trays. You’ll want to make sure that all the holes are facing upwards in your eggs. The bottom tier holds 8 eggs, and the top-tier holds 4 eggs for a total of 12 perfect hard-boiled eggs when you’re finished! Don’t forget to turn the blue timer bottom to the on setting.

    Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

    4. While your eggs start cooking, prepare an ice bath for them. To do this, fill up a large bowl with ice and cold water.

    Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

    5. Once the super loud and annoying timer goes off, you can turn off the cooker and carefully remove the eggs with tongs. Place the eggs into the ice bath where the cold water will stop the cooking process.

    Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs with an Egg Cooker

    6. Peel your eggs and enjoy them!

    How do you use hard-boiled eggs? Leave us a comment telling us how you love to enjoy the perfect hard-boiled egg!

    You Are Not Too Much for the Right People

    Mama Laughing Too Loud

    No joke, for YEARS I didn’t speak up. I didn’t laugh up, or stand up first either because I’d get the look that told me I was too much. I had to make sure I wasn’t going to be the only one doing something. The idea of other people talking about me if I didn’t fit the mold, just killed me.

    Who the heck was that girl, and where did she come from? Apparently, she just showed up one day between art school and becoming a “drone” mechanic. I never worried about being too much before, but…

    I felt like a fraud leaving art school for the money because I didn’t think I was smart enough for the job or….man enough. Even worse, I didn’t think I belonged in our social group made up of work peers and their fancy spouses.

    Our interests weren’t the same, and I often felt I wasn’t high maintenance enough, or nerdy enough, or political enough, or boozy enough, or worldly enough. I was too crunchy mama, too hippie-dippie, too artsy-fartsy, too passionate, too outspoken, too much to be taken seriously.

    You Cannot Be Too Much

    Last month I hung out with some powerful peeps in Indianapolis. I felt they were “out of my league,” but one of them said the most powerful thing I’d ever heard. IT FINALLY STUCK!

    You are worthy because you are human and enough because you are you. You cannot possibly ever be ‘too much’ because you are worthy of happiness. You were put on this earth for a purpose.

    Game Changer

    That changed everything for me! It gave me permission to stop believing I was too much and believe I was exactly enough for the right people.

    Woman!!!!!!! I want the same thing for you!!! I want you to step into your power and believe you are worthy, and enough, and perfect the way you are, and you don’t need to change for anyone because you cannot be too much for the right people! 

    Can I help you do that? Can I help you help others do that!??

    We’re better together!! And when we realize that, well, that is when the REAL MAGIC begins!
